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Britain: RCP Central Committee statement – “History is moving in our direction”

Britain: RCP Central Committee statement – “History is moving in our direction”

In Defence of Marxism

Thursday, 18 July 2024 


Britain: RCP Central Committee statement – “History is moving in our direction”

Last weekend, the newly-elected national leadership of the Revolutionary Communist Party – the British section of the Revolutionary Communist International – met to take stock of the recent election, including the campaign around Fiona Lali, and to discuss the tasks ahead. We publish here our agreed perspectives.


South Korea: chips are down as Samsung workers launch historic strike

Last week, a David-vs-Goliath struggle broke out at Samsung, the biggest Chaebol (conglomerate) in Korea, where workers launched the first indefinite strike in the company’s history.


Intento de asesinato de Trump: el capitalismo genera violencia política

El intento de un tirador de 20 años de asesinar a Donald Trump en un mitin en Pensilvania el sábado ha hundido a la democracia burguesa estadounidense aún más en la crisis.

Pokušaj ubojstva Trumpa: kapitalizam rađa političko nasilje

Pokušaj 20-godišnjeg napadača da ubije Donalda Trumpa na skupu u Pensilvaniji u subotu još je dublje gurnuo američku buržoasku demokraciju u krizu.