The Bolivian comrades of the "Corriente Marxista Interancional" (International Marxist Tendency) have been regularly publishing their paper El Militante since November 2008. With great effort they have produced a paper which puts forward a Marxist point of view and aims to become the voice of workers, peasants and youth fighting for socialism in the Andean country. The paper has attempted to cover all the major struggles of the workers, the students, the MAS youth, the election campaign in December 2009 which saw the re-election of Evo Morales, etc. Now the printer in which the comrades produce El Militante has broken down. The comrades need to raise US$ 2500 tu purchase a new machine which allows them to continue producing the paper, leaflets and documents to intervene in the revolutionary movement. We are appealing to all IDOM readers to donate generously to help the Bolivian comrades.
Or donate through our secure server via the Wellred website. Mark the donation "Bolivia Printer". Please enter the amount in British Pounds that you wish to donate and press "add to cart":