Since we launched the appeal last Friday, we have already received €660. We still have €2,300 to go. We would like to thank all that have contributed and urge all readers that have not done so yet, to give a serious thought about giving something.
We don't get any money from big business or governments to fund our activities – we are only funded by our supporters around the world – ordinary workers and youth. We need the support of our readers in order to be able to carry out the great tasks posed the Marxists by history. We are therefore very grateful for the contributions that we have already received.
The first donation came from comrade FL in Brazil, then followed donations from the Netherlands, USA, Britain, France and … We would in particular like to thank KP from the US who donated $400, LG from France who donated $150 and JG from Hungary who donated £100. The many smaller contributions also deserve a mention: ZM ($20) and BM (£20) from the Netherlands, NA ($10) and PL ($10) from the US, JF (£30) from Britain and OA ($10) and FB ($20) from Brazil.
As we explained, we want to use part of the money from this appeal to help fund the costs of the Panamerican Cadre School of the International Marxist Tendency which will take place in Brazil in March 2011. With the money we have raised so far, we would now be able to fund the tickets for two Bolivian comrades (travelling by coach) to go to the school in Brazil. The contributions from these comrades, coming from a country a revolutionary situation will do much for the atmosphere of the conference. It will also help these comrades develop for the important tasks that face them in Bolivia.
Yet, we also need speakers for the conference. The editor of this website, Alan Woods, is committed to attend and speak at this meeting. The present cost of his ticket is around £700.
From Mexico, we received the following message:
“Dear comrades, I write as I see you are raising funds to continue funding the newspaper. This is an essential part of the idea that Lenin had in Party building. Unfortunately I can not make a monetary contribution until within a couple of weeks. But I send a beautiful drawing, which may be in place in the fundraising section. Marxist greetings.
”, AA, Puebla, Mexico
We have published the comrade's drawing here and are looking forward to his financial contribution.
Please make a contribution, large or small, to make sure 2011 is a red year!
How to donate?
You can donate online via PayPal:
Or donate through our secure server via the Wellred website. Please enter the amount in British Pounds that you wish to donate and press "add to cart":
Donate by post
You can also make a donation by post. Send cheques (from Britain) or International Money Orders (from the rest of the world) to:
Socialist Appeal,
PO Box 50525,
London, E14 6WG
(Make cheques payable to "International Solidarity Club")