For the first time in Indonesia, Trotsky’s Revolution Betrayed will be published. The IMT, with its publishing house Wellred, is proud to be a part of this historical event. Two weeks ago we launched a financial appeal to help finance the publication of this book, and we have so far collected $840 out of the $1200 that we need.
We have received donations from across the world: Canada, US, Brazil, New Zealand, France, UK, Portugal, and Sweden. Several noteworthy donations are from EC (UK) who donated $250, LG (France) $150, GG (New Zealand) $65, CL (Canada) $60, MM (Canada) $60, TM (Canada) $60, and JB (USA) $50. We would like to thank them and many others who have also donated for this cause. This is a concrete manifestation of international solidarity from comrades around the world.
With this, the Indonesian youth and workers are close to having access to another major work of Trotsky. Last year, the publication of Permanent Revolution in Indonesia, which was also sponsored by the IMT, was a resounding success. The book was well received. Throughout the year numerous book discussions have been held as Indonesian youth and workers are looking for the most effective ideas with which to fight against capitalism. The most recent book discussion on Permanent Revolution was held last month by students from the Islamic Institute in Bandung (IAIN, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bandung). There is a clear thirst for the ideas of Trotsky. The publication of Revolution Betrayed will be another important step in meeting the needs of the militant workers and youth of Indonesia.
However, we are still $360 short of reaching our goal. Let’s give this campaign a final push! If you have donated, ask your friends to donate. If you haven’t, you know what to do. With a single click, you can help spread the revolutionary ideas of Trotsky to Indonesia.
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