On top of the €30,000 that were raised this year for the IMT and In Defence of Marxism at the World School, we've raised another €628 from the website. We'd like to thank those who have contributed to the collection.
With every day that passes, the crisis is getting worse and the struggle of the masses to free themselves of the shackles of capitalism is becoming more intense, as events in Greece and the Arab world have shown.
As we wrote in the original appeal, in these times of upheaval it is "the task of the Marxist tendency to patiently explain and educate a new generation of Marxist cadres capable of intervening in the real movement of the class and provide much needed leadership." Through your donations you have helped us in this work.
Most of our donations came from Europe. From the UK comrade GJ donated £10, JB £100, DS £20 and SB £20. Comrade JR from Norway dontaed £60, ZM from Netherlands £20, JM from Denmark £35. MJ from Switzerland donated £26 and JL from Sweden £20. From Spain we received a donation from JH of £8. LM donated £40 from France and AH from Russia donated £3.
Outside of Europe comrade DE from the US donated £10, a comrade from Brazil £110, from far away Singapore we got a donation from RK of £54 and we received donations from JH of £5 and JB of £13 from unidentified locations.