We had a wonderful response to the financial appeal for In Defence of Marxism. We have already collected €2446, only €550 short of the target. We are now extending the appeal for a few more days to give readers a last chance to help us reach the target.
The eruption of the revolution in the Middle East and Northern Africa clearly poses the need to more sharply spread the ideas of Marxism. The revolutionaries have faced batons, tear gas, bullets and even air strikes in their struggle for democracy and against imperialism. Their courageous stand is an inspiration to workers and youth all over the world.
As Marx put it, it is necessary for the theory of Marxism to “become a material force” by gripping the masses. The entry of the Arab masses onto the scene of history makes this a real possibility in a new area of the world.
Since the last update on the appeal, just over a month ago, we have received approximately another €850. Comrades from around the world have participated. For obvious reasons most of our donations have come from supporters in the advanced capitalist countries. From the UK, comrade MG contributed £10, KT £1, JS $30.43 and EK $30. From the US we have received $15 from NA, $5 from MM, $20 from ARG, $100 from JR and $15 from JN. From Sweden we have received $55 from JL and $10 from JS. Comrade LM from France has contributed $450 on behalf of the supporters of La Riposte. We have also received $400 from FL in Brazil, which is a very substantial contribution from a developing country. We would like to thank all those who have contributed so far and look forward to more contributions.
How to donate?
You can donate online via PayPal:
Or donate through our secure server via the Wellred website. Please enter the amount in British Pounds that you wish to donate and press "add to cart":
Donate by post
You can also make a donation by post. Send cheques (from Britain) or International Money Orders (from the rest of the world) to:
Socialist Appeal,
PO Box 50525,
London, E14 6WG
(Make cheques payable to "International Solidarity Club")