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Sri Nagger [Indian Held Kashmir].
Another five member delegation of member parliament will visit India unofficially. The delegation will be lead by renowned mass workers' leader Manzoor Ahmed . This was stated by Mohd. Yosaf TariGami State Secretary General Communist Party of India[Marxist] Jammu & Kashmir while talking to Newsmen in SriNagger."
The significance of this report is not so much that a group of Pakistan MPs will visit India. In recent weeks, under pressure from the USA, the governments of Pakistan and India have been compelled to relax travelling between the two counties that not long ago were poised on the brink of war.
The real significance lies in who made the declarations to the press and who is on the delegation. For decades the question of Kashmir has poisoned relations between India and Pakistan and caused several bloody wars. The issue is constantly being used by reactionary chauvinists in both countries to divert the attention of the masses from their problems. After more than half a century of so-called independence on a capitalist basis, nothing has been solved for the millions of workers and peasants of the Subcontinent. Poverty, hunger and disease are rife. But now things are beginning to change.
In India we saw the magnificent strike movement this week, which serves notice on the reactionary BJP government in New Delhi that the patience of the masses is not inexhaustible. On the other hand, the election of the Marxist leader Monzoor Ahmed to the Pakistan National Assembly was a beacon of hope. It enthused the Left both in Pakistan and in India, as the declarations of Yosaf TariGami clearly show. He is the general secretary of the Communist Party of India[Marxist] in Jammu & Kashmir.
The delegation headed by comrade Monzoor consists of supporters of the Marxist wing of the PPP. They will be working to forge fraternal links with the Communists and workers of India, to forge a militant class alliance against the forces of reaction and chauvinism and for the revolutionary unity of the working people of all the Subcontinent.
This is a red letter day for proletarian internationalists everywhere. We congratulate the comrades on this splendid initiative and wish them every success in this splendid internationalist initiative.
Long live workers' internationalism!
Long live the militant unity of the workers of India and Pakistan!
Long live world socialism!