From the Parti Sosialis, Malaysia
Dear comrades,
I am really sorry to inform you that we couldn't get a comrade from the central committee as it's really rushed and we have been busy with too many things. We have lots more chances for exchange in the future. Do update us oo any new development in Pakistan as well as internationally. We are keen to strengthen support and solidarity with any group that is committed to the struggle of the working class. We are looking forward to your proposal to arrange a political visit from either side. The PSM hopes you will have a successful and fruitful conference and we would like to send our solidarity to the conference in Lahore. We hope we can have more communication and possible political visit or exchange in the future.
Yours comradely,
From Italy
Dear comrades,
Please receive our warmest greeting for your 2007 congress.
Every year all our comrades in Italy wait for a report of your comrades, enthused by your wonderful successes. We are sure that this congress that you are celebrating will exceed every expectation. You, the Pakistan section are a point of reference for us in Italy. You are the living proof that Marxist ideas can get a mass echo even in the worst conditions. When the events turn in our favour, you could be the vanguard of the revolution on the Asian continent, the spark of the world socialist revolution. As in 1917, the revolution could start in the East and then spread to all the continents.
Long live the Pakistani section!
Long live the International Marxist Tendency!
Roberto Sarti,
for the NEC of the Italian section
From Belgium
Dear comrades,
The whole of the Middle East and South Asia is in a deep crisis. When Europeans look at the television news, many think it is all chaos and there is no way out. The Pakistani Marxist Tendency gathered around The Struggle can show the European working class and the workers of the world that there is a way out of the chaos. Forward to the unification of all the peoples of the Middle East and South Asia under the banner of Socialism!
Revolutionary greetings
From the Belgian Marxists of Vonk
From Poland
Dear Comrades,
We, Marxists of Poland, extend our revolutionary greetings to our Pakistani comrades of The Struggle. We hope that the coming congress will be a turning point for the development of the Marxist Tendency in Pakistan. We know that you have already had unimaginable successes. It is a source of continuous inspiration for our small group in Poland. We are very conscious of how difficult the task is for Marxists in a country with fundamentalist influences, for Poland has its own Catholic fundamentalists. But we are absolutely convinced that both in Pakistan and in Poland we will build mass parties of the working class that will lead this class to the socialist victory.
Let this congress be a new step in this direction!
Socialism or death! We shall win!
Revolutionary greetings,
The editorial board and sympathizers of the Polish Marxist web site
From Nigeria
Greetings To You Comrades,
Here in Nigeria, We share so many things in common with you comrades, yet you have shown us how possible it is to build a genuine Marxist organisation in a backward country. You have demonstrated it loud and clear that there is no barrier to building a truly revolutionary organisation. You have successfully drawn our road map for us here in Nigeria. You have presented our future to us while we are still in the present. You have explained our theory for us in practice. We cannot but be ever grateful to you for being our strength, be grateful to you for being an inspiration and most importantly for being our future.
Kazeem (For Workers Alternative, Nigeria)
From Argentina
Dear comrades:
On behalf of the Argentine section we want send warm and fraternal greetings to the congress of the Pakistani section. The marvellous revolutionary work of the Pakistani Marxists is a great inspiration for us as we are in the first stages of the building of the Marxist forces in Argentina. Although we are distant geographically, we are very near in our hearts and minds. We wish every success to your Congress and we are sure that it will be a major step forward for the development of the Pakistani section.
Long Live the Pakistani section!
Long Live our International!
From Nepal
Dear Manzoor Ahmed,
Greetings from Nepal!
First of all, thank you very much for the offer. I was really happy to receive your invitation [to attend the congress]. I know, it would be wonderful and remarkable if I could take part in the programme and share the living experiences of the people's movement 2006 of Nepal with you. Moreover, it is the most significant event for the development of the bilateral relationship between our organizations. But unfortunately, the critical political situation our country is in and the responsibility of we "youth and
students" of Nepal, has to be concentrated more on the immediate situation of the country. Therefore, I am very very sorry for my inability to take part in the meeting. But I hope I will be able to take part in future. Thus, through this letter I would like to express my best wishes for the success of the meeting. I am confident that this conference will be able to address the issues of the 21st century.
Lastly, thank you very much for the invitation! Rest is the best, Let's keep the fire burning!
In Solidarity,
Thakur Gaire
See also:
- Veteran Pakistan Communist speaks to - Jam Saqi (April 4, 2007)
- Some comments from delegates to the 26th Congress of The Struggle (April 2, 2007)
- Revolutionary spirit marks end of The Struggle Congress (2 April 2007)
- 2000 Marxist cadres attend the 26th Congress of The Struggle (30 March 2007)
- Pakistan: Lawyers’ Protest shows crisis of regime by Alan Woods (30 March 2007)