Since we launched the financial appeal at the beginning of the year, we have received donations totalling just under €4,000. This will go a long way to pay for the work of the Marxists in the Arab world. And we would also like to thank all the comrades who contributed.
Those who donated after April:
One comrade in Sweden gave £1,000, comrade PL £40, comrade PP from Indonesia £4, comrade AN from Australia £123, comrade LG from France £80, comrade PS gave £20, comrade SB from Britain gave £20, comrade GG from Australia £15, comrade KT £5, comrade RM £50, comrade JMF in Denmark £15, comrade JB £18 and another anonymous comrade £4. At the Austrian Pfingstseminar, around €135 was collected.
Previously we had received the following donations:
JR from Norway who gave £50, RM, MT and NM from Britain who gave £200, £20 and £32 respectively, JB, DE and GC from the US who gave £10, £2 and £5, and, finally, comrade FL from Brazil who donated £10. Then we have a supporter from Spain who has promised an extraordinary donation of €1,000 to add to the contributions from DC, RA and MG (€20 each). On top of that supporters in Switzerland have collected €100 and comrades in Austria €610. The CLEP-CEDEP student organisation in Mexico has also donated $165.
All this makes for a total of just under €4,000. Some of the money has already been used for the medical expenses mentioned previously. The rest will be spent in the coming months on travel and publications.