Last weekend the fifth Marxist autumn school of the Swiss section of the International Marxist Tendency, der Funke, took place in Nidau, Biel. Being for the first time in our history a bilingual as well as a two-day school, this event is a big step forward in the development of our Tendency. More than 60 people participated, coming from all over Switzerland as well as United Kingdom, France, Sweden and Austria.
Throughout the weekend workshops about different topics took place. Central topics were the barbarism created by the crisis of capitalism and the necessity of the building of the revolutionary forces, to fight against these. Also discussed were theoretical, practical and historical questions that are relevant for today’s struggles.
The lead-off was given by Hamid Alizadeh from London, who spoke about the general situation on a world scale. He is a contributor to and editor of the revolutionary Iranian exile journal Mobareze ( In a wide overview he spoke about the situation in the Middle East, the crisis in the Ukraine and the economic developments of Europe, Asia and the USA. He also spoke of the necessity of building a revolutionary party, which, based on a socialist program, would be able to present a way out of the crisis in times of increasing class struggle. In the afternoon workshops about the First World War, history of economics and apprentice movements were held. In interesting discussions questions were discussed, like the role social democracy in the First World War, the tendencies towards crisis of capitalism and the perspectives for the organisation of apprentices.
Also the following day was filled with an interesting program. The topics for discussion were the women’s question, the situation in the Middle East, the crisis in Europe, Marxist philosophy and the revolutionary movement in France 1968.
The interesting discussions, the good food and the pleasant weather ensured a good mood among the participants. Of course this success was celebrated on Saturday evening with some drinks, until revolutionary songs were to be heard throughout Biel.
We want to give our thanks to all who participated and are looking forward to the next autumn school with hopefully even more people and further interesting discussions. We are convinced, that everyone could benefit from this school and will in future participate even more determined in the struggle against capitalism and for a socialist revolution. Venceremos!