Mexico: International day of action of Ayotzinapa - October 22

The undersigned organisations join in the call by students from the Rural Normal of Ayotzinapa and the National People's Assembly for a day of action on October 22 and we extend internationally. We appeal for the organisation of protest actions at Mexican embassies and consulates around the world that day.

  • Taken alive, we want them alive! 
  • Live appearance of the 43 students kidnapped by the state 
  • Trial and punishment of those responsible for the attack 
  • Fulfilment of the just demands of IPN students
  • No to repression

 CLEP, La Izquierda Socialista, Mexico

Marxist Student Federation, Socialist Appeal - Britain

Sempre in Lotta, FalceMartello - Italy

Revolutionary Socialists, Denmark

Avanti, Sweden

Der Funke, Austria, Switzerland, Germany

Revolution, France

Vonk - Revolution, Belgium

Epanastasi, Revolution, Greece

Lucha de Clases, Spain, Bolivia, Venezuela

Juventud Marxista, Venezuela

Juventude Marxista - Esquerda Marxista, Brasil

Bloque Popular Juvenil, El Salvador

Militante, Argentina

Fightback, La Riposte, Canada

Socialist Appeal, US

The Struggle, Pakistan

Socialist Appeal, New Zealand

Workers' Alternative, Nigeria

Brag Kapitala, Russia

Crvena Kritika, Serbia

Communist League of Action, Morocco

International Marxist Tendency

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