In December we launched an appeal for donations for the work of In Defence of Marxism. The need for Marxist ideas in the movement is now greater than ever and many comrades have made a contribution to the appeal. So far it has raised €583, which is over half of our target. As we are now nearing the end of the appeal, we are asking for a final push to get the last €400 in.
In the appeal we highlighted how the Arab Revolution, the Indignados movement in Spain, the movement in Greece and the #Occupy movement in the United States have completely transformed the situation. Revolution is back on the agenda and spreading from country to country. Since then we have seen movements erupting in Russia, Nigeria and once again in Greece. The world revolution is progressing but the leadership of the working class remains wedded to the old order. Therefore Marxist ideas are needed more than ever in the mass organisations of the working class.
We would like to thank the comrades who have donated so far. Comrade LG from France is a regular contributor and this time has given £80 for the collection. He is joined by comrade MC, also from from France, who gave us £20. Comrades OD (£30) and SK (£5) made contributions from Sweden. Comrade JMF from Denmark is another regular contributor and gave us £33 in December and a further £37 in January, making a total of £70. Another small contribution from Denmark came from TAW. Other regular contributors are RP and FBL from Brazil. RP parted with £80 in December and another £80 in January. Comrade FBL contributed £50. Other contributions came from AH (Belgium, £10), JR (Spain, £15), TR (£10), AB (£5) and GJ (£10). These contributions make a total of £486 [pounds], which is around €583. This is all very good but we still need to get that €400 more.
So, if you haven’t been able to contribute before, but would like to, there is still a chance. All contribution will be gratefully accepted, whether large or small. The present appeal runs until the end of February.
How to donate:
Or donate through our secure server via the Wellred website. Please enter the amount in British Pounds that you wish to donate and press "add to cart":