This weekend, 19-21 October, sees a highlight of any radical activist's calendar: Revolution 2018 – a three-day festival of Marxist ideas, hosted in London by Socialist Appeal and the International Marxist Tendency.
This annual gathering has become a key event for the revolutionary left. Hundreds are expected to attend this year's festival, with people coming from across Europe for a weekend of exciting discussions on history, philosophy, economics, and contemporary issues.
This year's event commemorates the revolutionary events of 1968 – a year that saw massive movements and protests by workers and students across the world: from the civil rights movement in the USA, to the dramatic events of May '68 in France.
This year's event commemorates the revolutionary events of 1968 – a year that saw massive movements and protests by workers and students across the world / Image: Jacek E. Giedrojc Gallery
50 years on, with the status quo collapsing all around us, these movements provide important and inspiring lessons for activists looking to organise, fight, and transform the world today.
For a full programme of talks, and to buy your ticket for this exciting Marxist festival, head to now!
19-21 October, Student Central, Malet Street London
Topics include:
- Rosa Luxemburg and the 1918 German Revolution
- The French Revolution of May 68
- Martin Luther King and the black struggle
- The Suffragettes and the fight for equality: a century of struggle
- The Vietnam War
- How do we fight the far right?
- Artificial intelligence and nature of consciousness
- The first 100 days in power: what should Corbyn do?
- From barter to Bitcoin: what is money?
- From abortion rights to feminist strikes
- Trade wars – what are they good for?
- The 2008 crash to now – a decade of crisis
- Dialectics: from Hegel to Marx
- The crisis of liberalism
- Freedom and slavery: the birth of capitalism
- Oliver Cromwell and the English Revolution
- James Connolly and the struggle for Irish independence
Speakers include:
- Alan Woods – author of Reason in Revolt
- Rob Sewell – author of Germany: from Revolution to Counter-Revolution
- Marie Frederiksen – author of Reclaiming Rosa Luxembourg: a true revolutionary
- Steve Hedley – senior assistant general secretary of the RMT union
- Fred Weston – editor of In Defence of Marxism
- Adam Booth – author of Understanding Marx's Capital
- Daniel Morley – regular writer for
- Natasha Sorrell – NEU activist
Full programme and timings are available on the Revolution Festival website.
E-mail for more information or to book your place.
Please note: accommodation is available on a first come, first served basis. This will be provided in hostels and on spare beds, sofas, and extra mattresses, on the basis of needs. If you require accommodation, please add an accommodation ticket (or two) to your order, available for £5 per ticket (one ticket = one night of accommodation).
If you have space available to accommodate other attendees, please contact
We also ask that all those attending from London add an additional £10 donation to their order. This is to help subsidise the extra costs involved for those travelling from further afield.