From Palestinian Socialist Students, (18.12.2000)
As to the two articles [
Intifada from the
Bottom Up,
Understanding the
New Intifada] you
referred to, we found them interesting. Our opinion is the
1) The writer was right about the unclear aim of the Intifada.
Arafat wants to use it as a cheap card to play with, in front of the Israelis.
To explain further: dozens are killed and injured every day while Mr. Arafat is
still doing his DIPLOMATIC FLIGHTS AND COMMUNICATIONS!!! What Arafat wants is to
go back to the same old, wrong policy of Oslo and put an end to all this
mess - as he calls it. What WE really want from the Intifada is to put an
end to the whole messy Oslo process. However, the most important question is:
what will happen after that?? It's ironic to note that during the first Intifada
and even in the period before that, no Palestinian citizen could dare to ask for
the UN decisions to be implemented, now
even some of the leftist leaderships
shout with great pride for the UN!!!
Now to us: we think that the Intifada isn't a card to be
played in a game.
The Intifada is the only road for us. What we want from the Intifada is to
force the whole world to forget Oslo and to study our case... to look at it in a
balanced way! Maybe, even surely, we wasted 10 years from the Madrid talks up
until three months ago (when the present Intifada started). It was like a tragic
comedy play forgetting the four million refugees in the camps in Jordan, Syria,
the Lebanon and the West Bank, forgetting hundreds of settelements which have
now become a serious disease in our land, forgetting the many crimes of the
Zionist army (Qana-1996, Hebron massacre-1994, etc...). But the historic period
which we are now living in shows that the Palestinian people CANNOT tolerate
this suffering
To put it simply: the Intifada represents the most democratic poll on
theso-called peace process (OSLO).
Lastly, we repeat that the Intifada
isn't our preferred choice, it's a painful and bloody and exhausting way for
both sides, but we chose it because it's the only road we have.
2) A
funny thing we read in the article is what it says about our Arab leaderships.
We are now happy to know that their stinking smell has reached everywhere,
begining with Arafat himself and ending with the comical puppet of the
Americans, Mubarak.(Maybe we should not mix politics and rude language when
referring to these "Arab leaders", but it's the truth we can't avoid, so excuse
us please).
As the Arab summit, we must say something: all the Arab
regimes are hopeless,and even here in Palestine no one was interested in any
talk about the "emergency" Arab summit, because we know that without any
that a leader whose future is in the hands of US imperialism can't do
anything for his own people.
As to Arafat's historical position in the
"2nd Camp David" (as some of the PA officials called it), we have no
doubts that if Arafat could sell all Jerusalem he would do it now!! But due to
the people's anger, after what was achieved at Oslo, he was afraid of losing his
position so he acted out this play!!
Lastly dear comrades, we hope you
could publish these two points on your web as soon as you
(Palestinian Socialist Students)