The Chtouka Ait Baha branch of the human rights group, l'Association Marocaine des Droits de l'Homme, has sent us a brief update on the health situation of Abderahim Karrad, one of the recently arrested political prisoners in Morocco, condemned to a jail sentence of two years.
Being asthmatic and forced into in an overcrowded prison cell, his health suffered seriously. He was sent to hospital last Friday, May 18. Then the authorities gave him a new cell when he was returned to prison. But at the beginning of this week on May 22, they sent him back to his original cell.
The guards told him they were just obeying orders... Now he is considering a hunger strike demanding a more humane treatment. The prison director has refused him any visits.
We are appealing again for protest messages to be sent urgently demanding the release of these political prisoners!
See Morocco: three years in prison for shouting slogans against the monarchy!